Saturday, 4 May 2019

Overfishing risks ocean deserts as stocks plummet

With bigger boats, deeper nets and better sonar than ever before, the fishing industry's response to our insatiable appetite for fish risks transforming much of the world's oceans into aquatic desert.

* This article was originally published here

Platelets: The chameleons of cancer biology

Have you ever been in a classroom and wondered to yourself whether the information being presented could be wrong?

* This article was originally published here

Industry-ready process makes plastics chemical from plant sugars

Developing renewable, plant-based alternatives for petroleum-derived chemicals is a major piece of the effort to transition away from a fossil-fuel based economy toward a more sustainable and environmentally friendly bio-based economy. But integration of novel and unproven technology into existing industrial systems carries an element of risk that has made commercialization of such advances a significant challenge.

* This article was originally published here

5G conference warns on security as Huawei controversy rages

Experts called on 5G providers Friday to heed supply chain security in light of concerns about technology providers such as China's Huawei, recently banned by the US government.

* This article was originally published here

Study shows ovarian cancer survival increase

A gynecologic oncologist at the Stephenson Cancer Center at OU Medicine was a national leader of a newly published research study that reveals good news for women with ovarian cancer—longer survival times plus a treatment option that causes fewer difficult side effects.

* This article was originally published here

Research shows cattle ranching could help conserve rare African antelope, lions

Endangered African antelope and the lions that prey on them may benefit from certain cattle ranching practices in Kenya, according to newly published research led by a 2017 University of Wyoming Ph.D. graduate.

* This article was originally published here

Needleless vaccine will protect children from dangerous viruses

Orally administered vaccine can protect millions from hepatitis B. Oral vaccines are both safer and less expensive than injections. Therefore, researchers are continuously pursuing ways to produce an oral vaccine that is sufficiently effective. Now, University of Copenhagen physicists have delivered virologists a "recipe" for improving vaccine drops using methods from the world of nanophysics.

* This article was originally published here

Carbon tax best way to cut greenhouse gas emissions: IMF

At $70 per ton of carbon dioxide, a carbon tax would be the most efficient means of cutting greenhouse gas emissions, according to an International Monetary Fund report published Friday.

* This article was originally published here